I Am Feeling Electric Tonight
Hit, Geneve, CH
Press Release
1. Some sort of 70’s danish craft

2. Hell Week

3. Someone asked me once a simple question

4. Chronopolis

5. Would you like me to unpack for you, Mr and Mrs Silver?

6. On Reason and Emotion

7. Lilian Kramer

8. Flies

9. Film with a chair

10. The Unseen Paths of a Teaspoon

11. Boat Shaped Laminate Conference

12. San Simpliciano

13. Advet Seyri / Fact Red

14. The Dolmetsch Story

15. Masked Figures Climb a Stairway

16. Contemplation

17. Dante 1996-97

18. Melih Öxçelik

19 . Blvd de l ’Arc-en-Ciel 33

20. -

21. Round-wire, spiral, ribbed, pseudo-twisted, twisted, plaited, plate shield, “whiskered ”,tied, and latticework.
22. wALL/Object-ives

23. 1/37

24. Luc Ferrari

25. as long as ropes unravel fake rolex will travel

26. Borghese Poetry

27. Balboa 1 & Balboa II

28. Flims

29. patinated wrought iron and plaster wall

30. Im Feeling Electric Tonight